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Christina, Olivia and Jenn make a wish (Three Wishes Blog Blitz)


I’m participating in the Three Wishes Blog Blitz, hosted by author Juliet Madison! From 2nd to 6th September you’ll have the chance to win some awesome prizes at all the blogs participating in the blitz, including mine.

Why is it called the Three Wishes Blog Blitz? Juliet’s new  romantic comedy release, I Dream of Johnny, is about three wishes, a high-tech genie in a lamp, and one very unfortunate typo that proves magic isn’t all it cracked up to be…

The Lily Malone ‘wishlist’ is a bit too x-rated to include in a non-x-rated blog (it includes way too many scenarios with Timothy Olyphant and Charlie Hunnam) so instead I thought I’d let the heroines in my books  rub their own magic lamp today, and tell you what they’d wish for.

Christina Clay is the eccentric, hat-wearing, clay-pigeon shooting, horse-riding, winery executive, city girl, who stars in my Escape Publishing contemporary romance, His Brand Of BeautifulHere’s what Christina would wish for, if she discovered a magic lamp in the op-shops she regularly visits:HBOB

  • A world without snakes or lizards or scaly things that might slither beneath the timber slats of an outback camp shower
  • A bottle of champagne that never ends, and never loses its fizz
  • Legs as long and luscious as those of her best friend, Lacy Graham.

goodbye_ride_low-res.jpgOlivia Murphy is the Ducati-loving viticulturist who features in my contemporary romance novella, The Goodbye Ride. This is what Liv would wish for if she found a magic lamp in one of her vineyards.

  • That her brother was still alive
  • That jeans and a pink beanie counted as ‘smart-casual’
  • That cooking salt and pepper squid was as easy as making baked beans on toast.
The shack on the beach where Jenn goes to retrieve her missing mojo in my new book, Fairway To Heaven. (Picture is for illustrative purposes only!)

Jennifer (Jenn) Gates is the golf-playing, freelance writing, mother of a toddler son, now coming to life in my new book, Fairway to Heaven. I am about 20,000 words in and Jenn is trying to get her mojo back (after discovering her golf-pro boyfriend cheating on her with one of his golf students) on a long weekend stay at this beach shack.

If she discovered a magic lamp in the shed at the back of the shack, this is what she’d wish for:

  • That her cheating ex-boyfriend, Jack, develops a massive case of the putting yips and never sinks a putt again
  • That her 14-month-old toddler will wake up tomorrow toilet trained
  • That Brayden Culhane doesn’t consider the kiss they shared at this beach house eight years ago as “the biggest mistake of his life.”


Follow the instructions below to win my prize, and then you can click over to Juliet’s blog to enter her prize draw, and see the list of all other blogs taking part and enter their giveaways as well. How cool is that? 

My prizes include your choice of: a copy of His Brand Of Beautiful, a copy of The Goodbye Ride, and (because it’s so new) the opportunity to have a character named after you in my new book, Fairway To Heaven!  I’m also offering a world-exclusive! Like my Facebook page to read my 3000-word short story Fairway To Heaven, on which this new book is based. (You’ll need to send me an email at for that one too).

My question: If you could be the heroine of a movie or a book, which heroine would you wish to be and why?

You can answer in the comments. (If you ‘like’ my Facebook page during the Blog Blitz (2 September to 6 September) www.facebook/lily.lilymalone I’m sure I’ll come up with something special for you too!)

Remember: Once you’ve entered my giveaway, visit Juliet’s blog & enter her giveaway too, and visit any or all of the other participating blogs to enter more prize draws. You could potentially win a whole heap of prizes! Good luck! Visit the official Blog Blitz post here: 

8 thoughts on “Christina, Olivia and Jenn make a wish (Three Wishes Blog Blitz)”

  1. Hi Lily,
    Oh, great idea for your heroines to give their wishes! Which makes my answer kind of simple – a heroine from my raunchy stories because damn I lust after the heroes I’ve invented! (Maybe shouldn’t tell Mr E that!)

    Actually, now you have me thinking… A Bond girl wishing to nail 007 for more than a night, or … Indiana Jones, helping him find some treasure with lots of steamy nights … Or helping Dean in Supernatural solve some mystery and having to be caught in a confined space with him for lots of hours… Or helping FBI agent Peter Burke and the very chiselled Neil Caffey…

    Oh, goodness, I feel too many ideas and wishes coming on!!

    Cate xoxo

  2. Fabulous post Lily. I loved the toilet trained toddler (made me shudder to remember those days – thankfully long past for me). Don’t put me in the draw, as I’m participating in this fabulous blog blitz. But to answer your question; I’d have to be Eve from the In Death series. Not only could I bring any bruiser down but I’d get to smooch with Roarke. Awesome

  3. Great post! Oh this one is easy, I would love to be Samantha from Sex and the City..She lives life to it’s fullest and is so outspoken. She doesn’t allow men to fool her around. However, dating so many guys would be a problem…hmmm…
    Thank you for the awesome giveaway and for taking part in this blog blitz!

  4. well if we could include tv shows i’d like to be samantha stevens from bewitched. then i’d ditch darrin (both of ’em) and hook up with the mentalist. i love me some intellectual guy… 🙂

  5. All I can think of now is Timothy Oliphant …. LOL
    Loved the idea of letting your characters wish for something …. well done! As for the movie heroine … at the moment it’d be Helena Bertinelli in Arrow …. just the thought of getting kissed by Oliver Queen …. *dreamsaway*

  6. Hi ladies
    Thank you all for entering. All your answers are great. I’m sure Lisa, Cate and Iris have read one or both of my books (bless your little hearts), so not much point me sending gift copies to you… but if any of you would be interested in seeing the short story I wrote, called Fairway To Heaven (I wrote it for RWA’s Little Gems) so it’s 3000 words. If you’d like to get a ‘World Exclusive’ look at where my new WIP, Fairway To Heaven was born… please send me an email to and I’ll get it off to you… I’m not promising it’s perfect (it didn’t make the Little Gems anthology) but its yours if you’d like a look at it… You’ll be the first six people in the world, other than 3 judges, to see it!
    Thanks again. I’ve been in touch with Nora & This Chick Reads, who I chose as the winners.
    Happy reading and writing everybody!

    Lily M

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